Our “independent bank manager” service
Do you remember the days when every business (and many individuals) had a Bank Manager? You would go and see the Bank Manager every time you wanted a loan or overdraft or even to open a savings account! Some of those managers where grumpy or scary. (I know because some of them were my boss when I was a young clerk in Midland Bank!) But most where friendly, understanding and knowledgeable.
At Key our team have all been Senior Bank Managers in the various Banks that they worked for. In fact combined, our team have c. 200 years of experience as Bank Managers. Much of that time has been as commercial managers working with businesses.
Most Banks do not now provide a dedicated Bank Manager for most businesses any longer. However, our team has some of the best friendly and knowledgeable Bank Managers, and they providing our clients with a dedicated Bank Manager service for their businesses, but on a fully independent basis. That means that they will look at the whole of the finance market to choose the best finance for the needs of a business, and not just be limited to one Bank. So all the advantages of going to see your Bank Manager, and more!