Collapse of Carillion Group! Finance Solutions from Key!


You will be aware of the collapse of Carillion this week. Here at Key Commercial Finance Solutions Ltd we understand the major knock on effect that will impact many sub-contractors, suppliers and professional firms, whose cash flow will be impacted over the coming months as a result of not receiving payment from Carillion.

We would like to make you aware that we stand ready to assist affected firms with many types of funding solutions drawn from the whole of the market. There are many ways in which we may be able to help, but some examples are:-

Ø  Invoice Finance and Factoring facilities;
Ø  Single /spot invoice finance;
Ø  Short and medium term business loans;
Ø  Revolving unsecured credit lines;
Ø  State assisted funding business loans;
Ø  Commercial loans and mortgages;
Ø  Capital raising from property.

If you or a firm that you know is experiencing financial and cash flow challenges, please refer them to us at Key Commercial Finance Solutions Ltd for the best in expert, unbiased advice and support.