If there was a simple way to access up to 50% of your monthly sales ledger without the complications of a traditional invoice finance product, would this be of interest?
No reconciliation process – no more uploading invoices – Just a simple product that allows you direct access to working capital with the minimum of fuss.
Unlike Bank overdrafts which require personal security, this facility doesn’t require you to put up your family home as security.
This facility can be agreed for 12 months and is a dynamic facility based on your company’s current sales ledger and not historical balance sheet performance
A confidential facility so your customers need never know about it
It can assist businesses in turnaround, or those who have been declined for a bank overdraft
It generates cashflow to pay suppliers on time or even obtain lucrative discounts for paying early
Easy to administer with quick access to cash
No call centres, our lender partner offers a dedicated relationship manager and great service levels
If you’d like to find out about this, or any other cash flow funding solutions that we can arrange, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.