KEY are delighted to announce that we can now obtain overdrafts using investment property as security. The benefits to clients are;
You only pay interest on the utilised funding.
Immediate cash to buy further property-simply write out a cheque against the facility in place.
No requirements to mortgage the property being acquired with this facility- the security is your existing investment property.
Facility terms- 3 and 5 years.
Interest rates (3 year facility) from;
2.59% over bank of England base rate (max 60% LTV residential property only)
2.79% over bank of England base rate (max 75% LTV residential property only)
Fees £995 plus legals and valuation.
Rates are a little higher if Limited company or other SPV used, or for commercial property.
Debt service cover criteria similar to standard buy to let lending.
This is a fantastic offer and could be subject to early revision of rates or appetite. We recommend that you speak to Key Commercial Finance Solutions Ltd today to discuss further, and we will be more than happy to assist.