Atom Bank Powers Ahead!

As trusted brokers and packagers for the digital bank, Atom Bank, we continue to follow the progress of this Fintech organisation with interest. As at June 2017, Atom Bank PLC had acquired c. £700M of deposits and had lent or committed to lend a similar level of mortgages both residential and commercial.

Within the commercial sphere, Atom continue to offer some excellent market leading rates and terms for commercial finance through a limited number of brokers. At Key we are very proud to be one of those brokers who have direct access to Atom bank. We can as a result offer you some great market leading rates and terms as follows;

  • Standalone commercial mortgages and loans-no need to move core Banking arrangements.
  • Interest rates starting from around 2% per annum.
  • Rates linked to Bank of England Base Rate (not Libor).
  • Lenders set up fee only 0.75%.
  • Amortisation term up to 25 years as needed.
  • All sectors considered, including residential and commercial investment property.


To access Atom Bank, please contact the team at Key Commercial Finance Solutions Ltd. We will of course make sure that Atom Bank are the best and most appropriate course of action for your needs, and we will prepare a detailed business proposal on your behalf to ensure that your application attracts the best rates and terms.